Search Results for 'fibre optic'

20 results found.

BMW Regional Assembly grant aids Galway’s bus and cycle corridor

An initial grant of €560,000 by the Border, Midland and Western (BMW) Regional Assembly under the European Regional Development Fund grant scheme for the region’s designated gateways and hub towns has been paid to Galway City Council this week. The money will go towards the recently constructed bus and cycle corridor on the west side of the city.

New fibre optic network confirms light at end of every tunnel

Like the man-flu that exists in the minds of men only (or does it?), it is perhaps possible to live in denial of the economic hell breaking around on all sides of us now, simply by switching off the radio and refusing to tune into news of any kind. Unfortunately, such an approach is not only unrealistic, it is flawed. Whether we like it or not, nothing can be resolved until tackled head on. While confrontation is something most of us avoid, in cases of crisis such as now, it is unavoidable. We must face facts. The so-called Irish recession is not in the past tense. We are heading not only towards a new recession, but a likely depression.

New ‘superhighway’ internet cable from US could create Mayo ‘Silicon Valley’

“The biggest news story in Mayo since Knock Airport” is how one insider described the revelation this week that a major dark fibre optic cable from Mayo to New York is set to be developed.

Mulherin to chair Communications, Energy and Natural Resources committee

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny has appointed Deputy Michelle Mulherin as chair of the newly formed Fine Gael Policy Committee for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.

UHG first to use ground-breaking cardiology technology

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The Cardiology Department in University Hospital Galway has become the first department in Ireland to use ground-breaking cardiology technology, which will significantly improve the detection of cholesterol build narrowings within the coronary artery.

Athlone student wins global excellence award

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Daniel Arnold, a student at the FÁS Training Centre, Athlone has scooped a rare City & Guilds Medal for Excellence award in recognition of his exceptional work. Daniel was awarded the honour for his performance throughout his studies towards a City & Guilds Certificate in Computer Aided Engineering Programmable Logic Controllers.

Hogan wants Govrenment to adopt FG policy on broadband

Deputy Phil Hogan has called on the Government to immediately adopt Fine Gael’s policy on broadband as new OECD figures reveal that Ireland is now bottom of the league in Europe in broadband speeds.

Martin hits back at Irish Independent Westport article

Westport is feeling the recession like the rest of Ireland but an article in last Friday's Irish Independent drew “an inaccurately dire picture of Westport's economic status” said Labour's Keith Martin, who is also a member of Westport’s Job Creation Taskforce.

Westport proactive in generating economic stimulus for the town

During a recent economic stimulus workshop which was attended by Westport town councillors, a number of positive proposals were discussed in order to generate a boost to the locality during these bleak national economic times.

Cloonee man makes music about a mast

A musician in Mayo has written a song in a bid to save the scenic countryside from the adverse visual impact on the landscape by a 80ft high telecommunications mast.

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